Texas “Heartbeat” Bill

When did you begin your life? Was it when your mother gave birth to you? If that is the case, then the months you spent in your mother’s womb didn’t really count right. Those kicks she felt for the first time. Forget about those, they didn’t really happen. The first ultrasound, or when mom and dad found out what color to paint your nursery. That wasn’t real, forget those memories.

Aborting a fetus with a beating heart is wrong. I’m not saying it is wrong by my political standards, or by my religious views. I am using the accepted moral compass, the whole world through, that says to take another human beings life is wrong. Even if it is in self-defense or war, we may tell ourselves it is necessary. But those are instances very few of us will ever find ourselves in.

So, if we all accept that it is wrong to take a life. Why does a large segment of society think that killing a helpless child, fetus, embryo, whatever you want to call it. The fact remains, it is alive, it is completely dependent on its mother, and left to nature it will grow up to be a person.

Explain to me, how a baby which is one of the greatest miracles we are able to be a part of, somehow has nine months out of its whole life, that it is allowed to be killed?And, the very nine months, that it is totally dependent, on one of the people that brought it into the world? Where in the constitution does it say, mothers are allowed to kill their children, but only until that child is born?

They will say, “my body, my choice”, an argument that is on its face nonsensical. It’s not their body that is getting chopped up and sucked out through a shop vac. The minute you mixed your body, with some chump you met at the club. You forfeit the right to wreck what’s inside your uterus.

When it comes down to it, the argument is not complicated. When the sperm impregnates the egg, a separate being is born, and that human has the same rights, the morning after, as it does nine months later when it comes face to face with the world. If you wouldn’t kill your child, the first time you hold it in your arms. Don’t do it when it needs you the most. Grow up, learn to be accountable for your actions, and take some responsibility for God’s sake. Life is a gift, not a burden.

What have we learned?

What have we learned in this election? There are a number of issues that could be used as indicators, and a number of demographics that pollsters thought they had a bead on. The pollsters were wrong. No matter how you look at it, the pollsters were wrong. I want to say it one more time. The pollsters were wrong.

It was supposed to be a Biden landslide. A blizzard of blue. The Democrats were supposed to take the senate, supposed to gain twenty seats in the house, were supposed to open a pathway to a perpetual “one party” system. Most of all, this election was supposed to be referendum on the liberal lefts radical policies.

Turns out, you can’t spend six months calling the largest demographic in the country that they are bigoted, racist, backwards people, who are a level below the coastal elites. There was a time in this country when the elitist would simply talk down to the white trash working class, telling them that they didn’t need to worry about a thing because in the end, they had their best interests in mind. Not anymore, now the conversation has stopped and that has disenfranchised people.

Most Americans want to love their country. Most Americans don’t agree with all-black clad anarchists, running through the streets breaking windows and setting fires. Most Americans don’t agree that a traditional family is a bad thing, that we need to “move away” from the nuclear family, all because their is a certain demographic who can’t seem to keep their fathers at home.

You can’t tell sixty percent of the population that because they follow the rules, obey the law, and work hard. That they are the problem. They aren’t the problem. The problem are the people that don’t do that. This is America and one of its greatest attributes, is that everyone has the natural right to live their lives the way they want to, as long as they aren’t hurting anyone else’s property or person.

This summer has been a “flavor of the month” summer. And the thoughts and ideas that have popped up aren’t sustainable. If we took anything away from this election. Regardless of the winner, it should be that. There were a lot of people who voted for Biden, simply because he wasn’t Trump. It won’t be that way next time. It would be wise for the radical left to keep that in mind.